- Habit in Sports
- Habits
- Habituation
- Hall Occupational Orientation Inventory
- Hallucinations
- Halo Effect
- Happiness
- Happiness and Hardiness
- Harassment
- Hardiness
- Hardiness
- Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised
- Hare Psychopathy Checklist: SV
- Hare Psychopathy Checklist: YV
- Harmful Psychological Treatments
- Harry Harlow
- Hate Crimes
- Hawthorne Studies and Hawthorne Effect
- HCR-20 Violence Risk Assessment Scheme
- Head Start
- Head Start Program
- Health Action Process Approach
- Health Anxiety and Hypochondriasis
- Health Belief Model
- Health Belief Model in Chronic Disease Management
- Health Belief Model in Health Promotion Campaigns
- Health Belief Model in Screening Behaviors
- Health Belief Model in Vaccine Uptake
- Health Belief Model Theory
- Health Beliefs Across Different Cultures
- Health Benefits of the Relaxation Response
- Health Disclosure in the Digital Age
- Health Disparities and Racial Discrimination
- Health Insurance
- Health Literacy and Socioeconomic Status
- Health Literacy in Promotion Programs
- Health Promotion in School Settings
- Health Psychology in Asthma Interventions
- Healthy Aging Strategies
- Healthy Paranoia
- Hearsay Testimony
- Heart Rate Variability and Emotional States
- Hedonic Theory
- Hedonic Treadmill
- Help-Seeking Behavior
- Helping Behavior
- Helplessness and Coping in Caregivers
- Helplessness in Depression: Theory and Treatment
- Helplessness in Trauma and Recovery
- Hemophilia
- Heterosexism and Sport
- Heterosexuality
- Heuristic Processing
- Heuristic-Systematic Model of Persuasion
- Hierarchical Self
- High Blood Pressure
- High School
- High-Context Communication
- High-Performance Organization
- High-Risk Infants
- Higher Education
- Hindsight Bias
- Hippocrates’ Psychology
- Hispanic Americans
- History of Career Counseling
- History of Cognitive and Aptitude Screening
- History of Cognitive Assessment
- History of Correctional Psychology
- History of Courtroom Testimony
- History of Criminal Psychology
- History Of Cross-Cultural Psychology
- History of Expert Testimony
- History of Legal Psychology
- History of Personality Assessment
- History of Police Psychology
- History of Transpersonal Psychology
- History of Transpersonal Psychology , Preventing Workplace Bullying and Harassment , Remote Work and Stress: New Challenges , Stress and Productivity: Finding the Balance , Employee Assistance Programs for Stress Management
- HIV and Comorbid Mental Health Disorders
- HIV, Aging, and Psychological Well-Being
- Holland’s Theory
- Holocaust
- Home Advantage
- Home Birth
- Home-Field Advantage
- Homeless Youth
- Homelessness
- Homeric Foundations
- Homework
- Homework Assignments
- Homicide
- Homicide
- Homosexuality
- Hope
- Hope Counseling
- Hopkins Competency Assessment Test
- Hormonal Influences on Tend-and-Befriend Behavior
- Hormonal Therapy and Mental Health
- Hormone Replacement Therapy
- Hormones
- Hormones and Behavior
- Hospice
- Hospice Care
- Hostile Attribution Bias
- Hostile Masculinity Syndrome
- Hostile Media Bias
- Hostility and Interpersonal Relationships in Health
- Hostility and Risk for Chronic Diseases
- Hostility in Work Environments and Health Impact
- Hostility, Stress, and Immune Function
- Hot Flashes
- Hot Hand Effect
- Howard Gardner
- Howard Tinsley
- Human Factors
- Human Genome Project
- Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
- Human Interactions with the Law
- Human Nature, Morality, And Society
- Human Relations Movement
- Human Resources Strategy
- Human Subjects Review
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Humanistic Approaches
- Humanistic Psychology
- Humor
- Huntington’s Chorea
- Hydrocephalus
- Hyperbolic Discounting
- Hypnosis
- Hypnosis
- Hypnosis and Eyewitness Memory
- Hypnosis Definition
- Hypnotherapy in Functional GI Disorders
- Hypothesis