Definition of ” AXON HILLOCK “

The axon hillock is a specialized region of a neuron located at the base of the cell body, where the axon originates. It serves as the trigger zone for the initiation of action potentials, which are electrical signals that travel down the axon to communicate with other neurons. The axon hillock contains a high concentration of voltage-gated ion channels, which are responsible for generating and propagating action potentials. It is considered the “decision-making” center of the neuron, as it integrates and processes incoming signals from other neurons to determine whether or not to fire an action potential.

The “AXON HILLOCK” in a sentence:

1. The axon hillock is the initial segment of the axon that plays a crucial role in determining whether a neuron will fire an action potential or not.
2. Researchers have found that the axon hillock is highly sensitive to neurotransmitter levels, making it a key player in the regulation of neuronal activity and communication in the brain.

The Etymology of “AXON HILLOCK”:

The term “axon hillock” is derived from the Greek words “axon” meaning “axis” or “axis of a wheel” and “hillock” which translates to “small hill”. “Axon” is also related to the Greek word “axine” meaning “axis” or “pole”.

The term was first introduced by the German anatomist Heinrich Wilhelm Waldeyer in 1891, who used it to describe the initial segment of the axon located at the base of the cell body. The word “hillock” was chosen to describe this structure due to its appearance as a small elevation or bump on the surface of the cell body.

In the 20th century, with the advancement of neuroanatomy and the discovery of the neuron and its components, the term “axon hillock” became widely used to refer to the specialized region of the neuron that initiates the action potential, a crucial step in the transmission of nerve signals.

Overall, the term “axon hillock” combines the Greek roots “axon” and “hillock” to describe the anatomical location and function of this fundamental structure in the nervous system.

The First Known Use of “AXON HILLOCK”:

The first known use of the term “axon hillock” was in 1899.

Description of ” AXON HILLOCK “

The axon hillock is a critical component of the nervous system that plays a crucial role in the transmission of neural signals. Located at the beginning of the axon, the axon hillock serves as a gatekeeper, determining whether or not an incoming signal will be transmitted down the axon. This small but powerful structure is responsible for coordinating the communication between neurons, allowing for the efficient and effective functioning of the nervous system.

The axon hillock is a specialized structure that is uniquely designed to integrate and process information from other neurons. This process, known as summation, involves the integration of both excitatory and inhibitory signals received by the neuron. If the overall signal reaches a certain threshold, the axon hillock will generate an action potential, which is the electrical impulse that allows for the transmission of information down the axon. This threshold can be influenced by various factors, such as the strength and frequency of the incoming signals, making the axon hillock a critical player in shaping neural activity and behavior. Overall, the axon hillock is a key element in the complex network of the nervous system, allowing for the rapid and precise transmission of information that is essential for our daily functioning.

Farther Reading about ” AXON HILLOCK “

1. “The role of the axon hillock in neuronal excitability and integration.” by Stuart, Greg J. in Nature Reviews Neuroscience (2009). This article discusses the crucial role of the axon hillock in regulating the excitability of neurons and integrating information from multiple inputs, highlighting its importance in neural processing and function.

2. “The axon hillock: a gateway to neural excitability.” by Yu, Yongchao et al. in Journal of Physiology (2018). This study examines the unique properties of the axon hillock that allow it to serve as a key site for regulating action potential generation and shaping neural activity. It also discusses the implications of these properties for neural plasticity and information processing.


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