Ever make New Year’s resolutions with enthusiasm, only to break them after a few days? For a better chance of success, make plans—not just resolutions—for fitness, healthier eating, weight loss, or whatever’s important for you.
Here’s how:
- Break your big goals (resolutions) into smaller, more specific goals.
- List realistic changes that match your goals.
Specific Goals
Walk 30 minutes each day.
Eat more vegetables.
Lose two pounds in January.
Realistic Changes
Walk 15 minutes during my lunch break.
Eat salad with dinner.
Skip second helpings.
- Be patient. Small steps add up over time.
- Stick with it. If you waver from your plan, dump any guilt or feelings of failure. Start again where you left off. That’s okay!
- Take another look. Evaluate your progress every week or two. Update and change your plan if you need to.
- Reward yourself—with a new CD or recreation activity, for example, not more food.
Take time today to think about your fit future. What’s your . . .
- Big goal:
- Specific goals:
- Realistic changes that may work for you:
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