Healthy Diet for January 14 – The “Write” Way to Eat Smart ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

A bite here, a nibble there, a sip here, another taste there. How much did you eat today?

Want to get a better picture of your day-to-day eating habits? Keep a food diary. It’s easier to spot a problem and control temptation, and you have a better chance of reaching your wellness goals and perhaps managing your weight.

Keep records for at least a week or two. Here’s how:

  • Pick a system. A simple notebook or a daily diary works for handwritten records. Or find an electronic tracking system.
  • Track the “5 Ws and H.” Note with whom, what, where, when, why, and how much you eat and drink. Be realistic with amounts.
  • Write down little tastes: butter on your toast, sugar and milk in your tea.
  • Remember snacks. That includes vending machine soda, doughnuts, and biscotti.
  • Record any eating “triggers.” Note your mood or hunger level.
  • Give it careful review. What have you learned about you?

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