Healthy Diet for February 3 – Parent for Smart Eating ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

Do you eat your broccoli and carrots, or do you push them to the side of your plate? Do you drink milk with a meal, or a soft drink instead? Do you mindlessly nibble while you watch TV?

Chances are, your child will do what you do—if not now, then probably later. In mimicking you, a child tries grown-up behavior and hopes to please you. Your most powerful parenting technique is being a good role model.

Help your child eat smart!

  • Do what you say. The next time you order a fast-food drink or eat when you’re stressed or bored, think about the messages you send.
  • Give your child and family enough table time. Rushing through a meal is stressful and doesn’t give a child time to learn body signals for fullness. Slow eating helps avoid overeating.
  • Reward with attention, kind words, and hugs, not with desserts, candy, or other food. Food rewards such as candy, for your child or you, make them seem better than other foods.

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