Healthy Diet for March 11 – Nutrient Supplements? ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

Do any of these describe you? (Check which ones.)

□ Limited milk intake or sun exposure?

□ Vegetarian?

□ Eating problem, or a digestive or a liver problem?

□ On a very restrictive weight-loss diet?

□ Unable (or unwilling) to eat in a healthful way?

□ (if you’re female) Heavy menstrual flow, able to become pregnant, pregnant or breast-feeding, or menopausal?

If so, a nutrient supplement may be wise. Before you self-prescribe and put yourself at health risk, get supplement savvy! For an informed decision on supplements:

  • Evaluate your food choices first. If your meals and snacks supply enough nutrients, you probably don’t need a supplement.
  • Check with your doctor for the right supplement, in the right amount, for the right reasons, for you.
  • Know what you’re taking. Read the label’s ingredient list and Supplement Facts.
  • Pick a “multi,” not a “mega.” One hundred percent of a nutrient’s Daily Value (per dose), in a single or multivitamin/mineral supplement, is probably enough. Anything more can be harmful or at least an unnecessary expense.
  • Stick with a smart dosage. Don’t take more than the label dose per day.
  • Be cautious about combining. Taking nutrient supplements with medication (over-the-counter or prescription) or herbal supplements may have dangerous side effects. Ask your doctor or pharmacist.
  • Remember, out with the old, in with the new. Toss any supplement older than the expiration date.

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