Healthy Diet for June 5 – Improvement, Not Perfection ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

Do you ever grab chips when you intended to go for carrots? Instead of feeling guilty or giving up, remember: Nobody’s perfect. Improvement, not perfection, is a realistic, sensible, and far more effective goal.

Fact is, there’s no such thing as a “perfect” way to eat or stay active. Your best approach is all about you!

Today work on a realistic mind-set to be better (not perfect): eat a little smarter or move a little more.

  • Remember, there are no rules, but instead guidelines—to help you eat and do what’s right for you and your health.
  • Cut yourself some slack. If you slip up today, just get back to your healthful routine tomorrow without guilt. What counts is what you eat or do over several days, not just today.
  • Give yourself credit for improvement. What’s one way you’ve been eating smarter or moving more recently?

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