
Child Abuse

Child abuse is a global problem. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 40 million children between birth and 14 years of age are abused or neglected annually around the world. Thus, child abuse is found across all societies and cultures, almost always surrounded by secrecy and denial. The exact number of children who are

Androgyny and Drug Abuse

Feminine traits, those characteristically associated with women, include helpfulness to others, gentleness, warmth, and emotionality. Masculine traits, stereotypically associated with men, include assertiveness, self-reliance, achievement orientation, and independence. Traditionally, psychologists viewed femininity and masculinity as opposite roles of a single bipolar continuum: the more feminine a person was, the less masculine that person could be.


Abuse refers to physical, sexual, or emotional harm to a person perpetrated by a relative, caregiver, or spouse, or others in a social relationship with the abused person. Common forms of abuse include intimate partner abuse, partner or marital rape, and elder abuse. All of these forms of abuse are typically contained within the broad

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