
Open Access Journals

Open access (OA) refers to a publishing practice in which users are granted rights of free access to digital content. Anyone, regardless of their institutional or personal status, can read and download OA materials without charge. OA is an invention of the digital era and only feasible because of the Internet and the world wide

Access and Health Insurance – iResearchNet

It is evident that lack of (or poor) insurance coverage is a barrier to access healthcare. Evidence that insurance status is linked to access to healthcare seems overwhelming: those with insurance always use substantially more than those without. Economists tend to be more skeptical, for the following two reasons: they question the causality behind the

Public Access Television

Public access television – also known as community television or open channels – is a form of television in which citizens produce programs and bypass corporations, governments, journalists, and other gatekeepers to transmit their programs directly to audiences. Proponents of public access television promote it as a remedy to commercialism, centralization, and lack of diversity

Access to the Media

Access to the media encompasses the efforts and rights of individuals and groups to represent their views through the pages or airtime of established media entities – private or public. It should not be confused with access to information or even the related question of open-access television. The access-to-media question typically arises when a political

Access to Healthcare in Different Socioeconomic Groups

This article explores the complex relationship between socioeconomic status and access to healthcare within the realm of health psychology. The introduction sets the stage by emphasizing the significance of equitable healthcare access and framing the research question: How does socioeconomic status influence access to healthcare? The first section explores the existing literature on socioeconomic disparities

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