
Accountability of the Media

The accountability of the media is a normative notion that underlies the balance of freedom and social responsibility across media structure, performance, and product. In order to grasp the concept, we need to understand how closely related the two competing values of freedom and responsibility are. Press freedom has been constitutionally protected to guarantee a

Accountability of the News

The notion of media accountability concerns how to balance freedom and social responsibility in various aspects such as media structure, performance, and products. Accountability of the news is a notion concerning media products, especially public affairs reporting. News accountability may involve two different sub-dimensions: liability and answerability (McQuail 2005). The former mainly addresses the issues

Social Accountability

The accounting scandals such as Enron, Parmalat, and WorldCom have concentrated attention on the accountability and governance of corporations. Social accounting has been described and critiqued from a variety of positions, ranging from right wing neoliberal critiques all the way through to Marxist and deep green critiques. The different positions taken on the desirability or

Body Cameras and Accountability in Policing

This article explores the pivotal role of body cameras in enhancing accountability within the United States criminal justice process. The introduction sets the stage by contextualizing the broader criminal justice framework and emphasizing the imperative of accountability in law enforcement. The subsequent sections delve into the history and development of body cameras, scrutinizing their impact


Accountability Definition Accountability is the condition of having to answer, explain, or justify one’s actions or beliefs to another. It often includes the possibility that you will be held responsible and punished if your acts cannot be justified, or rewarded if your actions are justified. Accountability is a composite of numerous factors: being held responsible

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