
What is Affect? ⋆ Sports Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

Affect, also referred to as core affect, is the basic substrate  of  consciousness,  its  most  elementary constituent.  It  is  the  constant  readout  of  human feeling. Affect has a distinctive experiential quality that  does  not  consist  of  nor  require  cognition  or reflection.  It  is  an  inherent  and  necessary  ingredient  of  emotions  and  moods;  it  is  what 

What is Affect?

Affect, also referred to as core affect, is the basic substrate  of  consciousness,  its  most  elementary constituent.  It  is  the  constant  readout  of  human feeling. Affect has a distinctive experiential quality that  does  not  consist  of  nor  require  cognition  or reflection.  It  is  an  inherent  and  necessary  ingredient  of  emotions  and  moods;  it  is  what 

Affect (Mood States) Assessment

In psychology, the term mood refers to a person’s emotional state. Mood is central to psychological health, and disturbances in mood are related to subsequent psychological maladjustment. Moods such as elation, joyfulness, and excitement, when experienced within normal ranges, enhance a person’s life and are associated with well-being. Moods such as anger, hostility, depression, and

Independence of Affect

Independence of Affect Definition Positive and negative affect are often referred to as the Big Two emotions. They each refer to superfactors of emotion, and according to Randy J. Larsen and Ed Diener, each consists of several subcomponents of different feeling states. Positive affect refers to all high-energy emotions that feel good or pleasurable. Some

Positive Affect

Positive Affect Definition Positive affect is the pleasant state that can be induced by small things that happen in everyday life. It is one of the most exciting topics currently under investigation in the psychological research literature. The findings suggest that there is the potential for a large impact of positive affect on social behavior


Affect Definition Affect refers to the positive or negative personal reactions or feelings that we experience. Affect is often used as an umbrella term to refer to evaluations, moods, and emotions. Affect colors the way we see the world and how we feel about people, objects, and events. It also has an important impact on

Affect Heuristic

Affect Heuristic Definition A judgment is said to be based on a heuristic when a person assesses a specified target attribute (e.g., the risk of an approaching stranger in the street) by substituting a related attribute that comes quickly to mind (e.g., intuitive feelings of fear or anxiety) for a more complex analysis (e.g., detailed

Affect Infusion

Affect Infusion Definition Affect infusion occurs when feelings (moods, emotions) exert an invasive and subconscious influence on the way people think, form judgments, and behave in social situations. Affect can influence both the content of thinking and behavior (informational effect), and the process and style of thinking (processing effects). Some examples of affect infusion include

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