
Alfred Wegener

Alfred Lothar Wegener was born on the 1st of November 1880 in Berlin, and he died at the end of November 1930 in Greenland. His parents were preacher and orphanage director Dr. Richard Wegener and Anna Wegener, nee Schwarz. He was the youngest of their five children. In 1899, he took his school-leaving exam from

Alfred North Whitehead

Alfred North Whitehead had a long and illustrious career spanning more than 60 years spread out over two centuries. Although Whitehead’s contributions to anthropology are indirect and came principally toward the end of his life, his observations on the connections between nature and the human spirit were informed by a long lifetime of varied pursuits

Alfred Russel Wallace

The independent codiscoverer, with Charles Darwin, of the principle of evolution by natural selection, Wallace was born near Usk, Wales. Even as he trained for a career as a surveyor, Wallace developed a lively interest in natural history, and after he moved to England in 1844 a fortunate meeting with another amateur naturalist, Henry Walter

Alfred Lewis Kroeber

Alfred Lewis Kroeber was an early American anthropologist who made significant contributions to all four of anthropology’s subdisciplines. Kroeber is significant for his research on North American indigenous populations, his dedication to characterization and classification methods in ethnographic research, and his advancement of a definition of culture as a superorganic phenomenon. He established one of

Alfred Binet

Alfred Binet was a French pioneer of modern psychological testing who developed the prototype of many intelligence tests in use today, including the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale. Binet was born in 1857, the only child of a physician father and artist mother. His independent wealth allowed him to pursue his interests and work without remuneration throughout

Alfred Adler

Alfred Adler was a physician and psychologist who created the Individual Psychology movement. Adler wrote 19 books and many articles and papers. He gave numerous lectures and demonstrations internationally. He was born in Rudolfsheim, Austria, and he had rickets as a young child. In his later description of the development of personality, physiologic and environmental

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