
Risk Appraisal

Risk Appraisal Definition The term risk appraisal refers to an evaluation of the chances that a future event may occur. Similar terms include risk assessment, risk perception, perceived likelihood, and perception of vulnerability. One might appraise the risk of globally significant events (e.g., terrorism, natural disasters) as well as those that are personally relevant (e.g.

Problem-Solving Appraisal

Problem-solving appraisal refers to a person’s self-appraisal of his or her problem-solving abilities and attitudes (i.e., his or her self-evaluated capacity to resolve problems). Ever since John Dewey’s influential 1933 publication of How We Think, there has been a strong focus in psychology on how people cope with their daily life problems and major life

Violence Risk Appraisal Guide

The violence risk appraisal guide (VRAG) is an actuarial instrument that assesses the risk of further violence among men or women who have already committed criminal violence. On average, it has yielded a large effect in the prediction of violent recidivism in more than three dozen separate replications, including several different countries, a wide range

Sex Offender Risk Appraisal Guide

The Sex Offender Risk Appraisal Guide (SORAG) is a 14-item actuarial scale designed to predict violent, including hands-on, sexual recidivism among men who have committed at least one previous hands-on sexual offense. The items on the scale are the following: Lived with both biological parents until age 16 Elementary school maladjustment History of alcohol problems

Stress Appraisal Theory

Stress Appraisal Theory Definition Stress appraisal refers to the process by which individuals evaluate and cope with a stressful event. Stress appraisal theory is concerned with individuals’ evaluation of the event, rather than with the event per se. People differ in how they construe what is happening to them and their options for coping. Stress

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