
Risk Assessment Approaches

Violence risk assessment is relevant to the field of law and psychology because it occurs at numerous junctures in the legal system, and it is one of the key areas of research and clinical practice in forensic psychology. This entry reviews two primary approaches to risk assessment: unstructured and structured. The former approach, sometimes also

Cognitive Approaches to Discourse

Most Language and Social Interaction (LSI) researchers would agree that their findings about the social functionality of details of language use and social interaction have potential value for cognitive science. Schegloff (2006) cites evidence that people have cognitive capabilities for managing, detecting, and processing the socially consequential details of expressive acts whose complexity exceeds what

International Approaches to Crime Reduction

The pursuit of crime reduction is not the exclusive preserve of action by governments. Rather, it requires finding a balance between the protective efforts of individual citizens (and households) and collective action by government, from the local to the national or federal level. For some types of crime, such as cross-border trafficking, it may require

International Approaches to Crime Punishment

The questions concerning appropriate courses of action to reconstruct a viable polity in the aftermath of events that have included genocide or other forms of mass atrocity comprise one of the most perplexing dilemmas of the contemporary era. In dealing with past crimes, what remedies will best foster a healing process for the deep societal

Approaches to Achieving Educational Goals

Given that the training and career goals of forensic psychologists can differ markedly within and across categories, training programs have developed divergent programmatic approaches to educating their students so that they can attain these disparate goals. These programmatic approaches are not based solely on achieving specific training goals, however. They are also subject to administrative

Psychotherapeutic Approaches for Dementia

This article delves into the realm of health psychology with a focus on psychotherapeutic approaches for individuals experiencing dementia. Beginning with an exploration of dementia’s definition and societal impact, the introduction underscores the necessity of addressing psychological aspects in dementia care. The subsequent sections delve into three key psychotherapeutic approaches: behavioral interventions, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)

Behavioral Approaches to Oral Health Promotion

This article explores the application of behavioral approaches in promoting oral health within the realm of health psychology. The introduction outlines the significance of oral health and introduces the overarching theme of behavioral interventions. The first section delves into prominent behavioral theories, such as the Health Belief Model, Social Cognitive Theory, and the Transtheoretical Model

Risk Assessment Approaches

Violence risk assessment is relevant to the field of law and psychology because it occurs at numerous junctures in the legal system, and it is one of the key areas of research and clinical practice in forensic psychology. This entry reviews two primary approaches to risk assessment: unstructured and structured. The former approach, sometimes also

Humanistic Approaches

Humanistic approaches to counseling include a number of theoretical viewpoints. The dominant perspectives in this category are person-centered therapy and Gestalt therapy, which emerged in the 1950s and 1960s as alternatives to the prevailing approaches of the time, psychoanalysis and behaviorism. This entry will review person-centered therapy and Gestalt therapy, along with a more recent

Cognitive-Behavioral Approaches to Stress

This article explores the role of Cognitive-Behavioral Approaches (CBAs) in managing stress within the domain of health psychology. The introduction delineates the significance of stress in the context of health psychology, emphasizing the need for effective interventions. The first section explores the Cognitive-Behavioral Model of Stress, elucidating the intricate processes of cognitive appraisal and behavioral

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