
Psychopathology Assessment

Psychopathology can be thought of as the expression of mental impairment in the form of psychological signs and symptoms. Specific disorders subsumed under psychopathology, while having specific signs and symptoms, have as their common thread a significant impairment in mental functioning that causes distress or disability. However, no one sign or symptom is usually sufficient

Self-Esteem Assessment

Self-esteem is one of the most widely studied variables in the social and behavioral sciences. A vast literature spanning many disciplines has shown that high self-esteem promotes behaviors, goals, and coping mechanisms that facilitate success in school, work, and relationships. High self-esteem impedes mental and physical health problems, delinquency, substance abuse, and antisocial behavior. Given

Cross-Cultural Assessment

Cross-cultural assessment is a vital dimension of contemporary psychology, marked by the necessity of understanding and addressing cultural diversity in the assessment process. This article explores the foundations, methods, and challenges of cross-cultural assessment, emphasizing the critical role of cultural competence in effective psychological evaluation. The introduction sets the stage by highlighting the importance of

Violence Risk Assessment Topics

Violence risk assessment is a decision-making task that transpires in numerous legal and clinical settings in which the possibility of a person’s future violent behavior is of concern. Common contexts in which violence risk assessment occurs include involuntary civil commitment, release from prison or forensic hospital, sentencing, transfer of youths to adult court, and sexually violent

Forensic Assessment Topics

Forensic assessment is a part of the broader category of psychological assessment. The purpose of forensic assessment is distinct from that of traditional therapeutic assessment, and as such forensic evaluators have different training and practice guidelines. The settings in which forensic evaluations occur are vast, including law enforcement, correctional, and civil and criminal court settings.

Competency Assessment Instrument

The Competence to Stand Trial Assessment Instrument, often called the Competency Assessment Instrument (CAI), was developed in 1973 as a companion instrument to the Competency Screening Test (CST) and sought to standardize as well as quantify the criteria for competence to stand trial. The instrument was created by an interdisciplinary team of psychologists, psychiatrists, and

Authentic Assessment

Authentic assessment in school psychology is a multifaceted approach to evaluating student learning that aligns assessment practices with real-world contexts and tasks. This article delves into the core principles and historical development of authentic assessment, emphasizing its significance in contemporary education. It explores the various types of authentic assessments, including performance-based assessments, real-world simulations, and

Behavioral Assessment

Behavioral assessment plays a pivotal role in the field of school psychology, contributing significantly to the understanding and support of students with behavioral challenges. This article explores the fundamentals of behavioral assessment within the context of school psychology, focusing on its types, applications, challenges, and ethical considerations. We begin by defining behavioral assessment and highlighting

Career Assessment

Career assessment plays a pivotal role in the field of school psychology, serving as a cornerstone for guiding students’ educational and vocational choices. This article delves into the multifaceted domain of career assessment in school psychology, exploring its theoretical underpinnings, assessment methods, and practical applications. Beginning with a historical overview, it examines the evolution of

Criterion-Referenced Assessment

Criterion-referenced assessment plays a pivotal role in the field of school psychology, offering a precise means to evaluate students’ performance against specific educational objectives. This article delves into the multifaceted realm of criterion-referenced assessment, elucidating its theoretical underpinnings, diverse methodologies, and applications within educational settings. It highlights the historical evolution of this assessment approach, explores

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