
Assimilation in Sport

Assimilation  refers  to  the  integration  of  one  culture  into  another.  This  integration  may  include changes  in  cultural  characteristics  such  as  language,  appearance,  food,  music,  and  religion among   other   customs.   Cultural   values   and beliefs  also  influence  this  integration  of  cultures. Assimilation  is  relevant  to  sport  performance  in that  sports  occur  in  the  context  of  culture,  society, 


Contemporary use of the term assimilation has involved two processes: (a) the process whereby an individual or a group of diverse ethnic and racial minority or immigrant individuals comes to adopt the beliefs, values, attitudes, and the behaviors of the majority or dominant culture; and (b) the process whereby an individual or group relinquishes the

Assimilation Processes

Many psychological terms have meanings similar to how those terms are used in everyday language. Such is the case with assimilation, which a plain old English dictionary defines as to absorb, digest, and integrate (usually into a culture), making disparate people/items similar. Its use in social psychology (across separate content domains) is similar; assimilation means

Assimilation and Cognitive Development

In Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, the purpose of children’s thinking is to help them adapt to the environment in increasingly efficient ways. The techniques children use to adapt to the environment are called schemes. Schemes are action patterns that children transfer or generalize by repeating them in similar circumstances or in meeting recurring needs.

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