
Medical Assistant Career

Medical assistants help physicians in offices, hospitals, and clinics. They keep medical records, help examine and treat patients, and perform routine office duties to allow physi­cians to spend their time working directly with patients. Medical assistants are vitally important to the smooth and efficient operation of medical offices. There are approxi­mately 387,000 medical assistants employed

Nurse Assistant Career

Nurse assistants (also called nurse aides, orderlies, or hospi­tal attendants) work under the supervision of nurses and handle much of the personal care needs of the patients. This allows the nursing staff to perform their primary duties more effectively and efficiently. Nurse assistants help move patients, assist in patients’ exercise and nutri­tion needs, and oversee

Physician Assistant Career

Physician assistants (PAs) practice medicine under the supervision of licensed doctors of medicine or osteopa­thy, providing various health care services to patients. Much of the work they do was formerly limited to physi­cians. There are approximately 59,000 physician assis­tants employed in the United States. Physician assistants are fairly recent additions to the health care profession.

Production Assistant Career

Production assistants perform a variety of tasks for film, television, and video producers and other staff members. They must be prepared to help out everywhere, ensur­ing that daily operations run as smoothly as possible. Some production assistants may perform substantive jobs, such as reviewing scripts, but others may primarily run errands. They must be willing

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