
Career Attitudes and Strategies Inventory

The Career Attitudes and Strategies Inventory (CASI) is a 130-item, paper and pencil, self-report assessment by John L. Holland and Gary D. Gottfredson. The CASI is intended to give the employed or unemployed adult client and career counselor information regarding the client’s likelihood of job stability or change, potential career obstacles, or areas for further

Language Attitudes in Intergroup Contexts

Although there is no consensus as to what precisely an attitude is, language attitudes may be defined as embodied dispositions toward various and wide-ranging language behaviors (e.g., intensity, politeness, rate, accent, dialect). Correspondingly, language attitude research represents a broad-scale, multidisciplinary effort to assess diverse reactions to language behaviors (Cargile & Bradac 2001). Within intergroup contexts


Attitudes have long been a focus of study by social scientists. In the first edition of the Handbook of social psychology in 1935, Gordon Allport referred to attitudes as an indispensable concept for social psychology. Today, attitudes have become an essential concept for the social sciences. Attitudes, defined as an evaluative response to an object

Victims’ Attitudes toward the Police

When someone is assaulted by a family member, has his or her identity stolen, or arrives home to find the home burglarized, that person’s first contact with the criminal justice system often begins with the police. The nature of this interaction is influenced by what the victim and the police officer each bring to the

Religious Attitudes toward Corporal Punishment

Corporal punishment, defined as discipline that intentionally causes physical pain, has been meted out to children throughout recorded history in most cultures, but its frequency is declining, and seventeen countries, beginning with Sweden in 1979, have banned it completely. In the nineteenth century the founder of the Baha’i faith prohibited corporal punishment of children in

Police Attitudes to Gay Domestic Violence

In order to understand police attitudes and behaviors toward gay domestic violence, it is necessary to consider two issues from an historical perspective: first, the attitudes of police officers toward homosexuality; and second, the attitudes of the gay community toward the police. Against this backdrop, the implications for police response to gay domestic violence may

Career Attitudes and Strategies Inventory

The Career Attitudes and Strategies Inventory (CASI) is a 130-item, paper and pencil, self-report assessment by John L. Holland and Gary D. Gottfredson. The CASI is intended to give the employed or unemployed adult client and career counselor information regarding the client’s likelihood of job stability or change, potential career obstacles, or areas for further

Attitudes and Beliefs

Attitudes are the positive or negative evaluations made about people, issues, or objects. For example, in an organizational setting, employees might hold attitudes toward their employer or coworkers, toward workplace issues or regulations, and toward the job itself. Attitudes form a central foundation of the way that individuals think about and come to understand the

Dual Attitudes

Dual Attitudes Definition Dual attitudes refer to the idea that an individual can have two different attitudes about something—both an implicit attitude and an explicit attitude. The implicit attitude refers to an intuitive response or gut reaction, whereas the explicit attitude refers to a more deliberate, thought-out response. Thus, a past love may evoke both

Implicit Attitudes

Attitudes provide summary assessments that assist in decisions about how to interact with the world. An attitude is an association between a concept and an evaluation—positive or negative, favorable or unfavorable, desirable or undesirable. Attitudes help guide people’s judgment and behavior. Should I approach the bear with the big claws or run away? Should I

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