
Multiple Behavior Change

Traditional  approaches  to  helping  individuals change  health  behaviors  focus  on  reflective  processes.  In  other  words,  in  these  approaches,  the first thing a practitioner might do is identify what a client thinks about a behavior. Thus, initial counseling may focus on increasing positive beliefs and perceived  benefits  associated  with  that  behavior and challenging less positive beliefs. Support

Organizational Behavior Topics

Organizational behavior (OB) can be defined as the study of human behavior in the workplace. More specifically, investigators employ the principles of the scientific method to help them understand, predict, and manage employee behavior. The knowledge that follows rigorous, systematic study is used to enhance the productivity of organizations and the quality of work life

Moral Behavior and Sport

The term moral behavior is used with at least two different meanings in the literature. The first is when researchers  explicitly  define  moral  behavior  and refer to the conditions in which an act is right, or ethical; when these conditions are met, the behavior can  be  called  moral.  For  example,  Augusto  Blasi defined  moral  behavior 

Behavior Change Techniques

The  Coventry,  Aberdeen,  and  London—Refined (CALO-RE)  taxonomy  of  behavior  change  techniques builds on initial work on classifying psychological  techniques  used  in  intervention  to  change behavior,  with  a  particular  emphasis  on  physical activity and healthy eating. The taxonomy aims to provide a common language for the organization, identification,  and  adoption  of  behavior  change techniques  in  interventions. 

Thin Slices of Behavior

Thin Slices of Behavior Definition Thin slices of behavior is a term coined by Nalini Ambady and Robert Rosenthal in their study examining the accurate judgments of teacher effectiveness. They discovered that very brief (10-second and even 2-second) clips of dynamic silent video clips provided sufficient information for naive raters to evaluate a teacher’s effectiveness

Counterproductive Work Behavior: CWB-I

Counterproductive work behavior (CWB) is any behavior that is intended to harm an organization or its members. Common types of CWB include theft, sabotage, aggression toward others, and spreading rumors. Behavior on the part of employees that is intended to directly harm the organization, such as theft or sabotage, is commonly referred to as organizational

Counterproductive Work Behavior: CWB-O

Counterproductive work behavior (CWB) refers to voluntary work behaviors that hurt or are intended to hurt the organization or its members. It includes acts with potential harm, such as theft, physical aggression, and sloppy work. These behaviors are voluntary in the sense that they go beyond task performance, and their occurrence, form, and intensity is

Organizational Behavior Management

Organizational behavior management (OBM) combines the principles of B. F. Skinner’s reinforcement theory with applications in work settings. It espouses the same basic tenet as reinforcement theory: Behavior is shaped and maintained by its consequences. What occurs after rather than before the behavior of interest is the focus, as exemplified in the principles of reinforcement

Withdrawal Behavior: Absenteeism

Absenteeism (alternatively, absence) is an individual’s lack of physical presence at a given location and time when there is a social expectation for that person to be there. An absence is a behavioral outcome or state rather than a behavior itself, because many different actions can make up an absence, such as lying on the

Withdrawal Behavior: Lateness

In organizational research employee lateness can be considered the orphan of behavioral outcomes. Compared with absence and turnover, the two other commonly studied withdrawal behaviors in the field, investigations of lateness and its correlates are much fewer in number; and perhaps more important, they are not anywhere as rich in theoretical explanations of the underlying

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