
Media Campaigns And Perceptions Of Reality

Humans act, at least partly, on the basis of how they think others expect them to act. This means that humans have the capacity to know what others think or expect them to do. Some researchers have argued that understanding what others think is essential to social life and that successful human relationships depend on

Health Campaigns for Development

Development communication engages strategic social change in a variety of areas, yet a great proportion of resources in this field are allocated toward the field of health communication (Hemer & Tufte 2005). There is no universal strategic communication response to complex health-related challenges, but rather a framework of general principles, ranging from behavior change through

Population Campaigns

Communication campaigns have become a central component of family planning programs designed to shape social norms and individual behavior related to fertility. Communication at multiple levels (individual, family, community and mass media) has been used to heighten awareness of family planning, change attitudes toward contraceptive use, and shape norms surrounding family planning. Communication campaigns play

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