
Juvenile Boot Camps

Correctional programs designed to be similar to military basic training are called “boot camps.” Although there are some programs for youths at risk of delinquency, these vary widely, and most juvenile boot camps are designed for children adjudicated as delinquent. This entry describes the program and operations of typical boot camps for adjudicated youths, reviews

Correctional Boot Camps

The term correctional boot camps refers to correctional programs that involve a relatively short period of placement (90–180 days) in a setting similar in environment, attitude, and activities to military basic training or boot camp. The offenders, often referred to as cadets, involved in a correctional boot camp program are required to participate in military-style

Juvenile Boot Camps

Correctional programs designed to be similar to military basic training are called “boot camps.” Although there are some programs for youths at risk of delinquency, these vary widely, and most juvenile boot camps are designed for children adjudicated as delinquent. This entry describes the program and operations of typical boot camps for adjudicated youths, reviews

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