
Telecommunications Career Field

Telecommunications Careers Background The telecommunications industry, which consists of the telephone, computer, and cable TV industries, has its roots in the telephone industry. The telephone industry is the nerve system of the United States, consisting of millions of telephones and a vast network of switching and transmission systems. To provide the kind of service required

Television Career Field

Television Careers Background Modern television developed from experiments with electricity and vacuum tubes in the mid-1800s, but it was not until 1939, when President Franklin Roosevelt used television to open the New York World’s Fair, that the public realized the power of television as a means of communication. Several television stations went on the air

Textiles Career Field

Textiles Careers Background The word textile originally referred only to fabrics made by weaving yarn on a loom. Today, the textile industry includes knitted goods, braids, and other fabrics that are made from fibers, yarns, and other materials. Textiles may be made from natural products, such as cotton, linen, wool, and mohair, or from synthetic

Theater Career Field

Theater Careers Background Theatrical performance is among the oldest of human art forms. It probably began with storytelling to recount recent and historical events in small communities. Ancient peoples often performed elaborate rituals to ask spirits or gods for success in hunting or in battle. Sometimes community leaders or religious officials wore masks and colorful

Toys and Games Career Field

Toys and Games Careers Background Toys and games have been around for centuries. In 1600 BC, children used swings on the island of Crete. Dice have been found in 2,000-year-old Egyptian tombs. American Indian, Chinese, and African dice and other playing pieces have also been found in archaeological digs. Dice are the oldest known game

Transportation Career Field

The transportation industry includes air, rail, road, and water travel, and its core business is transporting passengers and moving freight. Each branch of the transportation industry employs workers in a variety of positions, from managers who coordinate shipping schedules to freight handlers to customer service representatives to conductors and even safety inspectors. Many workers are

Trucking Career Field

Trucking Careers Background The trucking industry is an integral part of the nation’s economy. Along with ships, airplanes, and railroads, trucks move freight quickly and efficiently, from city to city. Almost everything Americans eat, wear, or use at home or in business has completed some part of its journey from the manufacturer to the merchant

Visual Arts Career Field

Visual Arts Careers Background Black Iris Georgia O’Keefe’s painting Black Iris, Michelangelo’s sculpture David, and Robert Mapplethorpe’s photograph Fish, all express the diversity of the visual arts. Today, visual arts include not only the traditional fields of painting, drawing, and sculpture but also illustration, photography, filmmaking, needlework, even computer animation, as well as many others.

Recreation Career Field

Recreation Careers Background Ancient people, after daily chores such as gathering food and mending clothing, devised ways to amuse and relax themselves. Often, the conclusion of a good harvest was celebrated with dancing, music, and other merriment. However, because most food, clothing, and other necessities were grown or handmade, little time was left for recreation.

Rubber Career Field

Rubber Careers Background Natural rubber is a pliable, stretchy material made from the milky juice of various tropical plants. Synthetic rubber, synthesized from petroleum and other minerals, was developed as a substitute for natural rubber. The material is called rubber because it appeared that one of the most practical uses of the gum would be

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