
News Anchor Career

News anchors analyze and broadcast news for radio and television stations. They help select, write, and present the news and may specialize in a particular area. Inter­viewing guests, making public service announcements, and conducting panel discussions may also be part of the news anchor’s work. Approximately 69,000 people are employed as announcers (including news anchors)

Naturopath Career

Naturopaths—also called naturopathic physicians, natu­ropathic doctors, and N.D.’s—are licensed health profes­sionals who practice an approach to health care called naturopathic medicine. Naturopathic medicine (also called naturopathy) is a distinct system of health care that uses a variety of natural approaches to health and healing, including clinical nutrition, counseling, herbal medicine, homeopathy, and physical therapy. Naturopaths

Naturalist Career

The primary role of naturalists is to educate the public about the environment and maintain the natural envi­ronment on land specifically dedicated to wilderness populations. Their primary responsibilities are preserv­ing, restoring, maintaining, and protecting a natural habitat. Among the related responsibilities in these jobs are teaching, public speaking, writing, giving scientific and ecological demonstrations, and

Nail Technician Career

Nail technicians clean, shape, and polish fingernails and toenails. They groom cuticles and apply cream to hands and arms (feet and calves in the case of pedicures). They apply a variety of artificial nails and provide ongoing maintenance. Many nail technicians are skilled in “nail art” and decorate clients’ nails with stencils, glitter, and ornaments.

Nanny Career

Nannies, also known as au pairs, are caregivers who care for children in the parents’ homes. The children usu­ally range in age from infant to 10 or 12 years old. The nanny’s responsibilities may include supervising the nursery, organizing play activities, taking the children to appointments or classes, and keeping the children’s quarters clean and

Myotherapist Career

Myotherapy is a method of relieving muscle pain and spasms and improving overall circulation through applied pressure to trigger points. Pressure is applied using fingers, knuckles, and elbows. Those who practice myotherapy are called myotherapists. Myotherapist Career History Bonnie Prudden, a fitness and exercise enthusiast, first developed myotherapy in 1976. During the 1970s, Prudden worked

Nurse-Midwife Career

Nurse-midwives are registered nurses with advanced training who assist in family planning, pregnancy, and childbirth. They also provide routine health care for women. Nurse-midwives work in hospitals, with physi­cians in private practice, in freestanding birth centers or well-woman care centers, in women’s clinics, and even in the homes of clients. Nurse-Midwife Career History Women have

Ophthalmologist Career

Ophthalmologists are physicians who specialize in the care of eyes and in the prevention and treatment of eye disease and injury. They test patients’ vision and pre­scribe glasses or contact lenses. Most ophthalmologists also perform eye surgery, treating problems such as cata­racts (which cloud vision) and other visual impairments. Because problems with vision may signal

Park Ranger Career

Park rangers enforce laws and regulations in national, state, and county parks. They help care for and maintain parks as well as inform, guide, and ensure the safety of park visitors. Park Ranger Career History Congress began The National Park System in the United States in 1872 when Yellowstone National Park was cre­ated. The National

Paralegal Career

Paralegals, also known as legal assistants, assist in trial preparations, investigate facts, prepare documents such as affidavits and pleadings, and, in general, do work cus­tomarily performed by lawyers. Approximately 224,000 paralegals and legal assistants work in law firms, busi­nesses, and government agencies all over the United States; the majority work with lawyers and legislators. Paralegal

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