
Career Style Interview

The career style interview (CSI) consists of six questions and is the primary means of assessment for those interested in applying the theory of career construction as developed by Mark L. Savickas. This theory helps individuals to find meaning in the nonlinear careers of today and is an expansion and clarification of Donald Super’s life-span

Career Thoughts Inventory

The Career Thoughts Inventory (CTI) is a theory-based assessment and intervention resource intended to improve thinking in career problem solving and decision making. The CTI measures dysfunctional career thoughts that may inhibit the ability to effectively engage in career decision making. The 48-item inventory is self-administered and objectively scored. The assessment is designed to be

Career Transitions Inventory

The Career Transitions Inventory (CTI) is a 40-item Likert format measure designed to assess an individual’s internal process variables that may serve as strengths or barriers when making a career transition. For purposes of this instrument, the term career transition was defined as a situation in which any of the following kinds of career changes

Kuder Career Search

Kuder Career Search (KCS) represents the third generation of interest inventories known as the Kuder Preference Records. First was the Kuder Preference Record—Vocational, which gave scores on 10 vocational interest scales. Next was the Occupational, which reported occupations that were similar to the inventory takers’ interests. The KCS consists of two kinds of scales. One

Multicultural Career Assessment Models

Career assessment involves an ongoing process of gathering information to assist clients to make career-related decisions. Useful information to gather in career assessment includes but is not limited to understanding a person’s personality, values, skills, interests, life roles, and career history. Assessment information is typically gathered via intake interviews, standardized tests and inventories, and non-standardized

Multicultural Career Counseling Checklist

As societies, especially in the United States, have become more diverse, counselors are expected to be able to deliver competent services to a wide variety of clients. Such competency concerns call for measures that facilitate professionals collecting and managing the data needed for meaningful and successful interventions in cross-cultural career counseling. The Multicultural Career Counseling

Career Assistance Programs

In order to prepare athletes for and support them during  transitions,  career  assistance  programs (CAPs)  have  been  developed  by  elite  sport  organizations  like  a  national  sport  governing  body, universities,  and  private  organizations.  These CAPs generally consist of an integrated and comprehensive  combination  of  workshops,  seminars, educational  modules,  individual  counseling,  and referral   networks  providing   individualized   or

Career Transitions

Career  transitions  are  turning  phases  in  athletes’ career  development.  Therefore,  they  should  be first  defined  in  terms  of  their  place  in  the  career context.  The  broadest  career  term  in  psychology is  a  life  career  that  encompasses  an  individual’s life-long development and achievements in various activities and spheres of life that unfold in a particular historical

Career Certifications

Professional certification serves to identify individuals  who  have  obtained  or  maintained  qualifications to perform a specific work responsibility or task. Furthermore, certification indirectly serves to safeguard  the  public  interest  by  assuring  that  the public  can  identify  qualified  professionals.  In  the United  States,  the  Association  for  Applied  Sport Psychology (AASP) certifies master’s and doctoral trained  professionals 

Career Development

Most people participate in some form of paid labor during their lifetime. Typically, they engage in a series of jobs. As these jobs become increasingly related to one another, a career unfolds. This process occurs throughout the life span. Several theories have been proposed to describe the process of career development. Three of the most

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