
Career Counseling for Native Americans

The need for effective career counseling and related research among Native Americans is striking. Census data show that Native Americans have the highest unemployment rates of any minority group with the exception of African American males. Unemployment approaches 50%, and the number of children living below the poverty level exceeds 50% on many reservations. Likewise

Career Education

The use of the term career education varies across both time and context. In its broadest sense the term refers to educational activities in formal and tertiary education contexts, which aim to foster and enhance learners’ knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values related to occupations and the concept of career development over the life span. In

Career Exploration

Career exploration has been a focus of vocational development research since the inception of the field. The concept was originally invoked to explain the process by which a person examines opportunities and constraints in the labor market in order to choose a job or career. The conceptual definition has been significantly expanded to become an

Career Indecision

Career indecision is the inability to specify an educational or occupational choice and can include focal problems, such as lack of information, or a combination of problems, such as choice anxiety and trait indecision. Career indecision is experienced by high school and college populations not only in the United States, but also in countries such

Career Interventions

Career interventions are activities designed to explore and enhance a person’s career development by helping the person make, implement, and benefit from a variety of career decisions. As such, career interventions take several forms. The most common include career counseling, assessment interpretation, group counseling, group assessment interpretation, career workshops, career classes, computer-assisted career guidance systems

Career Maturity

Career maturity is defined as the degree to which individuals are prepared to make good educational or vocational decisions. It is usually seen as dependent on their knowledge of themselves and of the world of work, their ability to make decisions, and a positive attitude toward making career decisions. It is developmental in nature, following

Career Planning

Career planning refers to the process of making educational and career choices based on knowledge of self and of the environment. The purpose of career planning is to encourage individuals to explore and gather information about various educational and career opportunities thus enabling them to develop realistic career goals. Career planning is an ongoing activity

Career Resource Centers

A career resource center (CRC) refers to a physical facility and to the location of materials, resources, and personnel delivering career services to individuals and groups. A CRC is typically located in the career center, counseling center, human resources office, library, or training and development unit of an organization. In contrast, a career center is

Computer-Assisted Career Counseling

Computer-assisted career counseling is the use of computers in educational and career guidance. When faced with the prospect of having to make an important educational or career decision, many individuals look for career or educational information and professional guidance. Individuals making educational decisions might access college brochures and catalogs or might request application and financial

Constructivist Career Counseling

The theory of constructivism has roots in philosophy, science, psychology, sociology, and anthropology. The core of the theory involves the idea that reality is relative rather than absolute and that people actively create reality by the way in which they experience and interpret events. As an example, take the idea of stealing another person’s money.

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