
Healthy Diet for May 27 – Time for an Oil Change ⋆ Healthy Diet ⋆ Lifestyle

Ever think of olives as a fruit? Not sweet, but rich in healthful fats, olives are more than a savory ingredient and finger food. Why so healthful? Compared with vegetable oils, olive oil has far more monounsaturated fat (the good kind). And it has little saturated fat. That’s the key—”monos” may lower total and LDL-

Organizational Change Processes

Change is fundamental to organizing. To organize, or structure human activity intentionally to achieve collective goals, is in itself a change process – a movement from one state of being to another. A change process in the context of formal organizations may be defined as a sequence of events by which alteration occurs in the

Social Change

Human relations may be considered as patterned interactions over time. Thus, temporal change and continuity are constant and fundamental features of the human condition. In this perspective, the typical usage of the social change concept—as only applying when a “normal” state of affairs is radically and rapidly altered—involves several flawed assumptions, including the idea that

Career Change

Career change has been alternatively defined as any major change in work role requirements or work context or as a process that may result in a change of job, profession, or one’s orientation to work while continuing in the same job. Here, career change refers to a subset of work role transitions that include a

Behavior Change Techniques ⋆ Sports Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

The  Coventry,  Aberdeen,  and  London—Refined (CALO-RE)  taxonomy  of  behavior  change  techniques builds on initial work on classifying psychological  techniques  used  in  intervention  to  change behavior,  with  a  particular  emphasis  on  physical activity and healthy eating. The taxonomy aims to provide a common language for the organization, identification,  and  adoption  of  behavior  change techniques  in  interventions. 

Stages of Change Model

Some behaviors take a long time to change, and rarely do individuals progress immediately from awareness of a new product or idea to its use. Stages of change models document and specify the specific stages or steps a person goes through when they adopt or quit a behavior. At least four distinct stages of change

Culture Change

Human beings are the bearers of culture; therefore, it is important to study how humankind has evolved over time as a basis to understand culture change. Periods of culture change indicate the direction in which the strengths and values of said cultures survive and maintain their existence. How to study culture change may be difficult

Change Management and Communication

Change management in the context of organizations is the process of planning, directing, and controlling a transition from one set of organizational conditions to another. Change management has been studied for many years in the management and organization studies disciplines. It has not traditionally been considered a communication process, although models of change management typically

Change Management

A key aim of change management is to manage processes towards a future that, even when anticipated and planned for, can never be fully foreseen. It is a paradox that continues to generate considerable debate and conceptual and definitional confusion. Defining Change Management There are many different definitions of change management. Simple definitions tend to

Organizational Change

Change has been considered the most reliable constant within organizations. Yet, although the phenomenon has been recognized as important for years, organizational change is one of the least understood aspects of organization life, evidenced by numerous failed initiatives. In spite of the books and articles written about managing change, perhaps the paradox between prevalence and

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