
Cheating – Sports Psychology – Lifestyle

Cheating  in  sport  is  a  violation  of  an  explicit  or implicit promise to follow the rules of a sporting activity. This promise is an honorable action that an athlete takes to assure the opponent, the fans, and all interested parties that the rules will be followed.  An  example  of  an  explicit  promise  is  the International 


Cheating  in  sport  is  a  violation  of  an  explicit  or implicit promise to follow the rules of a sporting activity. This promise is an honorable action that an athlete takes to assure the opponent, the fans, and all interested parties that the rules will be followed.  An  example  of  an  explicit  promise  is  the International 


Cheating, a multifaceted phenomenon with psychological underpinnings, is pervasive in both academic and non-academic contexts, bearing significant consequences for individuals and institutions. Part I delves into the psychology of cheating, examining cognitive, emotional, and socio-cultural factors influencing cheating behavior. In Part II, the article explores the methods of detecting cheating and its far-reaching consequences, from

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