
Clinical Forensic Psychology Education

Many students ask how they can become a forensic psychologist or work in some of the areas already mentioned. The answer to that question is as varied as the different tasks that a forensic psychologist may undertake. The one thing that is clear is that becoming a forensic psychologist involves going to graduate school, and

Clinical Presenting Issues

The clinical presenting issue is the brief description clients use to describe their reasons for seeking help when seeking psychological services. It is the initial clue encountered by psychologists in their efforts to help clients solve the problems that have brought them to therapy. The presenting issue may be complete and focused on the primary

The Use of Meditation in Clinical Psychology

This article explores the integration of meditation within the domain of clinical psychology, examining its historical context, psychological mechanisms, and applications in therapeutic settings. The introduction provides a backdrop to the growing interest in incorporating meditation into mental health treatments. The first section delves into the psychological mechanisms of meditation, emphasizing its impact on attention

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