
Disability Coaching

Optimal  athletic  development  and  sport  success is  almost  always  the  product  of  multiple  factors. Genetics, opportunity, effort, and consistent training over many years are critical. However, quality coaching is also recognized as an important influence  on  athletic  success.  This  entry  discusses  the history and current status of coaching in disability sport,  the  importance  of  quality 

Autonomy-Supportive Coaching

Motivation is one of the foundations of successful sport performance, and coaches play a critical role in developing or undermining this attribute in their athletes.  The  techniques  coaches  use  to  instruct and motivate their athletes can influence whether athletes learn and achieve at a high level, develop a  strong  sense  of  confidence,  enjoy  their  experience

Coaching Efficacy

Self-efficacy judgments are domain-specific beliefs held  by  individuals  about  their  ability  to  successfully execute differing levels of performance given certain  situational  demands  (a  situation-specific self-confidence). Coaching efficacy is the extent to which a coach believes in the personal capacity to affect the learning and performance of the athletes. Efficacy beliefs of a head coach play

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