
College Student Career Development

College student career development refers to the processes involved in making career decisions and the outcomes of those decisions for individuals in college. According to developmental theories of career decision making, traditional-age college students are often attempting to refine their understanding of themselves, learn about the world of work, and discover how they might make

College Student Experiences Questionnaire

The College Student Experiences Questionnaire (CSEQ) is a versatile tool that assesses the quality of effort college students expend in using resources and opportunities provided by an institution for their learning and development. Quality of effort is a key dimension for understanding student satisfaction and persistence and for understanding the effects of attending college. The

Drug Offenses in College

The frequency of drug abuse on college campuses is alarming. An appalling 43.5% of college freshmen reported having become heavy drinkers in their first year of college in 2004 alone. An estimated 1,700 college students die from alcohol-related activities each year. On an annual basis, 19% of college students report having had a serious altercation

Community College

Although American community colleges (formerly known as junior colleges) have existed since the late nineteenth century, little sociological attention has been paid to these institutions until recently. The conceptual frameworks that do exist highlight the juxtaposition of the community college’s function of expanding access to higher education while also limiting opportunity for many students. In

College Athletes and Violence

Historically, a scholar’s word was considered better than that of a “townsman.” Along with scholarly status comes a protective cloak or veil that often affords college intellectuals–the future leaders and professionals of America–impunity from the law and leniency from public officials. In the past, status and respect derived solely from monetary wealth aided law breakers

Baylor College Basketball Murder Case

The Baylor college basketball team was already in trouble when perhaps the most tragic of all sports scandals occurred. Under Coach Dave Bliss, the team was under investigation by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) for a number of violations when details emerged in October 2003 about Coach Bliss’s lurid attempts to cover up under-the-table

Bullying in College

Bullying is the deliberate and repeated affliction of harm by one individual on another of less physical or social power. The harm often takes place over an extended period of time and can be inflicted physically, verbally, or emotionally. The victim of bullying is known as the target, while the perpetrator is called the bully.

Cyber-Offenses in College

On July 29, 2008, a student at Georgia Highlands College was charged with hacking into his school’s computer system to change grades and steal other students’ and professors’ passwords. According to police authorities, Christopher Fowler used the login credentials of one of the school’s professors to access the school’s computer network. He also allegedly hacked

Hazing in College

While definitions of hazing can vary, they typically include two main elements: (1) the initiation of new members of a particular group by more senior members and (2) activities that result in physical, psychological, and/or emotional harm. Hazing is a form of power exerted by senior members of a group over new members wishing to

Hate Crimes in College

Hate crimes have been defined as criminal incidents that are specifically motivated by bias. They range from threats to physical assault to vandalism and other property crimes. Experts say hate crimes differ from other crimes in that they are almost always perpetrated by young, white men as random, spontaneous acts against strangers; they are far

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