
Commitment in Sports

Sport  commitment  is  a  central  motivational  construct because it goes right to the heart of athletes’ persistent  pursuit  of  their  sport.  Simply  put,  it  is a  psychological  state  explaining  why  athletes  do what they do. There are two types of sport commitment:  enthusiastic  and  constrained.  Enthusiastic commitment  (EC)  is  the  psychological  construct representing the desire

Organizational Commitment

Industrial and organizational (I/O) psychologists are interested in understanding employees’ psychological reactions to their workplaces. Not surprisingly, much of this interest focuses on employees’ commitment to the organizations for which they work. Among the several work attitude variables studied by I/O psychologists, only job satisfaction has received more attention than organizational commitment. Conceptualizing Organizational Commitment

Union Commitment

Like many constructs in this field, union commitment was introduced with a measure of the construct. As a corollary of organizational commitment, Michael E. Gordon and colleagues (1980) defined union commitment as a member’s identification with and involvement in a particular union, and operationalized the definition in terms of three related components: A strong desire

Civil Commitment

Civil commitment is the legal process under which individuals with mental illness may be subjected to involuntary hospitalization. This research paper discusses the impact and consequences of commitment, the justifications for the resulting intrusion on liberty, the statutory criteria for commitment, and the constitutional requirements that underlie them. It examines the requirement that candidates for


Commitment Definition Commitment represents the motivation to stay in a relationship and to work at it. It is not surprising that we stay in relationships while they are highly satisfying, but why stay in a relationship that has not been satisfying lately? People may choose to persevere when things get difficult because they have invested

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