
Return To Competition Following Injury

Evidence  suggests  the  challenges  of  injury  recovery  may  not  cease  at  the  completion  of  athletes’ physical  rehabilitation.  Over  the  past  decade, researchers  have  uncovered  a  range  of  psychosocial  issues,  challenges,  and  demands  associated with the return to competition following injury. In this entry, athlete experiences returning to competition, the motivational issues surrounding return, and options

Competition in Sports

Competition  is  often  described  as  a  contest,  or  a process  of  contesting,  between  two  or  more  parties (organisms, individuals, or groups) for a scarce resource  or  good.  The  scarcity  can  result  from nature  or  history,  such  as  competition  for  limited food, or it can be created artificially, such as the good of winning a game.

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