
Conflict Tactics Scale

Two general types of incidence surveys exist: the Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS) and the Crime Victim Surveys (CVS). The former requires people to indicate what actions they have taken to resolve family conflicts; the latter requires people to indicate by what crimes they have been victimized. The CVS find the rates of reporting wife assault

Approach-Avoidance Conflict

Approach-Avoidance Conflict Definition Approach means moving toward something. Avoidance means moving away from it. Obviously you can’t move toward and away from the same thing at the same time. Approach-avoidance conflict arises when a goal has both positive and negative aspects, and thus leads to approach and avoidance reactions at the same time. Kurt Lewin

Conflict Resolution

Conflict Resolution Definition Social conflict emerges when the aspirations, beliefs, or values held by one individual or group are frustrated by another individual or group. It emerges between parents and their children, between friends on a weekend outing, between colleagues at work, between groups from adjacent neighborhoods, or between rivaling teams within an organization. In


Conflict  and  development  are  bound  together: Conflict both fosters maturation and is a product of it. Two distinct forms of conflict may be identified: intrapersonal conflict and interpersonal conflict. Each plays a different role in human development. Intrapersonal conflict denotes internal strife, the resolution of which may prompt social, cognitive, or emotional maturation. Interpersonal conflict

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