
Contract Work

Rather than continuing as a salaried employee at a college or agency position, some counselors choose to establish a private career counseling practice and engage in contract or consulting work. Contract work can be very fulfilling, financially rewarding, and provide tremendous freedom to develop and experiment with numerous interventions while focusing on preferred niches that

Psychological Contract

The term psychological contract has been around since the 1960s and was first used to capture the relationship between a work group of employees and a plant foreperson in terms of what the two parties exchanged in their relationship (acceptable wages and job security in return for higher productivity and lower grievances). This initial definition

Psychological Contract

A psychological contract is a belief based on commitments expressed or implied, regarding an exchange agreement between two parties, as commonly used, between an individual and an employer. People typically are motivated to fulfill the commitments they have made to others, consistent with their own understanding of what those commitments entail. In employment, psychological contracts

Contract Work

Rather than continuing as a salaried employee at a college or agency position, some counselors choose to establish a private career counseling practice and engage in contract or consulting work. Contract work can be very fulfilling, financially rewarding, and provide tremendous freedom to develop and experiment with numerous interventions while focusing on preferred niches that

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