
Impact of ADR on Court Systems

This article explores the profound impact of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) on court systems within the United States criminal justice framework. Beginning with an introduction to the concept of ADR, the article delves into the various roles played by mediation and arbitration in criminal cases, offering a comparative analysis with the traditional adversarial system. Highlighting

Drug Court Programs

This article examines the role of drug court programs within the United States criminal justice system. Commencing with an introduction defining the essence of these programs, the historical evolution section traces the development of drug courts, spotlighting legislative milestones and societal dynamics that spurred their establishment. The subsequent section delves into the intricate structure and

Juvenile Court Hearings

This article explores the intricate landscape of Juvenile Court Hearings within the context of the United States criminal justice system. Commencing with an overview of the historical evolution and establishment of juvenile courts, the introduction delineates the specialized nature of these proceedings. The pre-hearing procedures section navigates the initial stages of juvenile justice, encompassing intake

The Appellate Court System

This comprehensive article delves into the intricacies of the appellate court system, exploring its fundamental role in the US criminal justice process. The introduction provides a concise definition and highlights the significance of appellate courts, setting the stage for an in-depth examination. The structure section meticulously navigates the hierarchy of the judicial system, distinguishing between

Initial Court Appearance and Arraignment

This article examines the pivotal stages of the criminal justice process in the United States, focusing on the Initial Court Appearance and Arraignment. The introduction provides a foundational understanding of these phases, emphasizing their significance within the broader legal framework. The Initial Court Appearance section delves into the legal procedures and requirements, exploring elements such

U.S. Supreme Court

The U.S. Supreme Court conducts appellate review hearings of lower-court decisions, relying on written briefs and oral arguments by counsel for the parties to help the justices formulate opinions as to cases’ outcomes. The number of petitions from parties seeking to have the Supreme Court grant a hearing on their appeal far exceeds the number

Georgia Court Competence Test (GCCT)

The evaluation of competence to stand trial is by far the most common forensic evaluation conducted. It has been estimated that there are between 24,000 and 60,000 of these evaluations carried out across the United States each year. This entry describes the Georgia Court Competence Test (GCCT), an instrument used to assess competence to stand

Supreme Court Decisions

While often characterized as enforcers of the law, police in America must also be upholders of the law. In carrying forth their law enforcement functions the police are sworn to uphold the Constitution. This oath demands that all arrests, searches, and the like be conducted in compliance with constitutional rules. Although all courts possess the power

European Court of Human Rights

The European Court of Human Rights, established by and solely responsible for interpreting the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (the Convention), is arguably the most developed and respected international court. Its caseload has swelled in the past two decades thanks in part to its growing legitimacy and to the Council

Inter-American Court of Human Rights

The Inter-American Court of Human Rights, established by the American Convention on Human Rights (ACHR), is the leading regional human rights court in the Americas. The Court consists of seven judges, elected by secret ballot by member states of the Organization of American States (OAS). Cases may be referred to the Court only by the

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