
Creativity at Work

Current definitions of creativity focus on the outcome, that is, an idea or product that is original as well as useful. However, early work in the area of creativity focused on the creative individual and creativity in the domains of art and science. Research during this early period was directed primarily at understanding major breakthroughs


Creativity Definition Creativity can be defined three major ways. First, creativity can be viewed as a concrete product that satisfies two specifications: (1) originality or novelty, and (2) utility usefulness or adaptiveness. The first requirement excludes routine work that may be adaptive but habitual. The second separates creativity from the ideas of a psychotic; such

What is Creativity?

A kindergartener’s finger painting, a composer’s sonata, a scientist’s discovery—many seemingly disparate acts can be labeled “creative.” While creativity has been widely valued both in children and adults, the concept of creativity has varied greatly in its definition. Creativity is conceptualized by some as a desirable trait that a person is either gifted with or

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