
Cultivation Effects

Television is the world’s storyteller, telling most of the stories to most of the people, most of the time. As such it has become our most common and constant learning environment, one that very few can or even want to escape or ignore. Children today are born into homes in which most stories are told

Plant Cultivation

Plant cultivation includes a whole range of human behaviors, from watering, to weeding, to the construction of drainage ditches, which are designed to encourage the growth and propagation of one or more species of plants. Cultivated plants are distinguished from domesticated plants, which show morphological changes, indicating that they are genetically different from their wild

Cultivation Theory

Cultivation theory, developed by George Gerbner and his colleagues, proposes that television viewing makes an independent contribution to audience members’ conceptions of social reality. The central hypothesis guiding cultivation research is that the more time people spend watching television, the more their beliefs and assumptions about life and society will be congruent with the most

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