
Uranium-Lead Dating

The Uranium-Lead (U-Pb) Dating is a method that encompasses several techniques that are employed in determining the geological age of both terrestrial and extraterrestrial (for example, meteorites) rocks. The method was first suggested by Boltwood in 1907 when he postulated lead to be the decay product of uranium. The method has a dating range from

Dating Relationships

Dating relationships have no uniform defining characteristics. They have romantic or sexual overtones, occur between two people who are not married to each other or to anyone else, typically do not share a residence, have not formally acknowledged plans to marry, and may or may not expect continued involvement. These relationships vary in expectations for

Dating Violence in High School

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defines dating violence as physical, sexual, or psychological violence within a dating relationship. It is a type of intimate-partner violence (IPV). In the United States, an estimated 5.3 million IPV incidents occur each year, and approximately 1,300 people die as a result of domestic violence. Rates of

Relative Dating Techniques

The oldest and the simplest relative dating method is stratigraphic dating. Relative dating, properly applied to sedimentary materials, carries no implied rate of change in time. An isolated event can only be deemed to have occurred either before or after another isolated event. This situation obtains because rates of deposition are rarely constant over long

Dating Techniques

Dating is nothing more than ordering time. Time is the quintessential sorter of events. All living beings go through life being on occasion acutely aware of its transient yet eternal, ceaseless yet tenacious quality. Time is the omnipresent judge that indicts all life for existence and condemns it to death. Thus, for the greatest portion

Radiometric Dating Techniques

Radiometric dating became a possibility with Becquerel’s discovery in 1896 of natural radioactivity. Rutherford postulated that radioactivity could be used to determine the age of the Earth. His and Soddy’s discovery (1902) of the transmutation of the atom became the basis for understanding exponential decay and the evolution of decay products (“daughter” elements). Age estimates

Dating Violence in College

Dating violence has been defined as the use or threat of physical, sexual, verbal abuse, or stalking within a dating relationship. This term is meant to encompass any form of violence that occurs in a relationship from an initial date to cohabitation. Dating violence occurs in both heterosexual and same-sex relationships. Although perpetrators of dating

Carbon-14 Dating

Radiocarbon is the best-known radiometric dating technique due to its successful application to problems in human history and prehistory for over 50 years. Willard Libby’s development of the technique in the late 1940s permitted relative time to be sorted radio-metrically in archaeological contexts in a manner that eclipsed the more traditional relative dating methods that

Dating Violence

‘‘Dating’’ is a conventional term describing the process of forming and maintaining intimate relationships. This romantic process typically begins during adolescence and extends throughout the adult life span. Society generally views dating as carefree, romantic, and trouble free, yet this is far from the truth. The U.S. Department of Justice noted that women aged sixteen

Dating Violence among African Americans

Dating violence, also referred to as courtship violence or premarital abuse, can occur across all racial/ethnic groups. However, African Americans are overrepresented in demographic categories that are at increased risk for dating violence. Although this racial group is socially and economically diverse, according to the 2000 U.S. Census, black Americans on average are younger, more

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