
Detection of Deception: Reality Monitoring

People sometimes try to determine whether they have actually experienced an event they have in mind, or whether this memory is based on imagination. The processes by which a person attributes a memory to an actual experience (external source) or imagination (internal source) is called reality monitoring (RM). Although the RM concept is not related

Detection of Deception: Use of Evidence

The paradigmatic finding from research on deception detection is that people are poor at discriminating between liars and truth tellers. This research paper shows, however, that deception detection performance can be significantly improved if the investigator is allowed to interview the suspect, is given background information about the case and the suspect, and knows how

Cheater Detection

Cheater-Detection Mechanism Definition The human brain can be thought of as a computer—an organic one, designed by natural selection to process information in adaptive ways. It is composed of many programs, each of which evolved because it was good at solving a problem of survival or reproduction faced by hunter-gatherer ancestors in the past. The

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