
Development Communication

Development communication refers to a process of strategic intervention toward social change, initiated and engaged by organizations and communities. Development itself encompasses participatory and intentional strategies designed to benefit the public good, whether in terms of material, political, or social needs. While the more broadly defined field of development communication incorporates mediated as well as

Career Development Inventory

The Career Development Inventory (CDI) is a 120-item standardized measure of career development attitudes and knowledge first published in 1979. This measure operationally defines career maturity based on Donald Super’s theory of career development. In general, the CDI assesses level of readiness for making realistic educational and career-related decisions. There are two forms of the

Organizational Development Topics

Organizational development (OD) is a field of professional practice focused on facilitating organizational change and improvement. The theory and practice of OD is grounded in both the social and behavioral sciences. The field originated in the 1960s and has been evolving ever since. This evolution has been influenced by a wide range of disciplines including

Culture and Development

Human development takes place in the interaction of a child and the culture in which he or she matures. Culture can be conceived of as knowledge, skills, practices, and values that are created and shared by groups of people. Processes of development and processes of culture are inextricably intertwined. An important aspect of psychological development

Character Development

The term character has a long, complex, and controversial history. An old adage holds that “sport builds character” and historically the inclusion of sport  programs  in  educational  settings  often  has been  justified  through  appeal  to  their  supposed character-building  efficacy.  The  following  entry elaborates  on  the  meaning  of  character  and  discusses how sport researchers have dealt

Career Development

Most people participate in some form of paid labor during their lifetime. Typically, they engage in a series of jobs. As these jobs become increasingly related to one another, a career unfolds. This process occurs throughout the life span. Several theories have been proposed to describe the process of career development. Three of the most

Career Development Quarterly

Career Development Quarterly (CDQ) is the premier English-language journal in career counseling and development and is the official journal of the National Career Development Association (NCDA). It was first published in 1911. CDQ publishes articles on career counseling, individual and organizational career development, work and leisure, career education, career coaching, and career management. Each article

Group Development

Group development refers to the process by which members of newly formed work teams learn about their teammates, establish their roles and responsibilities, and acquire the task work and teamwork capabilities required to coordinate their effort to perform effectively as a team. Work group development pertains to the team as a whole (i.e., all members

Moral Development

Moral Development Definition Moral development refers to age-related changes in the thoughts and emotions that guide individuals’ ideas of right and wrong and how they and others should act. in addressing this broad concept, theorists and researchers have focused on the moral cognitions, feelings, and behaviors that tend to evolve from early childhood to adulthood.

Gender Role Development

Gender is one of the most central attributes people have and an object of endless interest across all societies. Thus it should not be surprising that children are also aware of gender-related characteristics and quickly come to display those qualities themselves  well before their own sexual maturity. What is surprising is just how early gender

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