
Developments in the United States

At the turn of the 20th century, American psychologists remained comparatively uninterested in applying research on topics related to law. One reason was that they were just beginning to explore the broad psychological landscape and had little inclination to specialize in law-related matters. This reticence was probably also due to the influence of Wilhelm Wundt

International Developments in Counseling

Historically, interest in international psychology dates back to professional affiliations created in Paris over a century ago at the First International Congress of Psychology. Since then, a variety of organizations continue to support the professional interests of psychology worldwide (e.g., the American Psychological Association’s [APA’s] Division 17— International Special Interests Group, and Division 52—International Psychology).

International Developments in Counseling Psychology

Clearly, the world is rapidly changing and becoming a global village with increased interdependence, communication, travel, migration, and trade between countries. This entry summarizes the international developments in counseling psychology in the United States and worldwide. In the United States The U.S. counseling profession has a long and distinguished history, evolving from the vocational guidance

Professional Developments

It should be evident at this point that psychology has had more than its share of challenging problems in trying to maintain a scientific posture in academia while facing the growing demands of a service profession in the larger society. Before World War II the American Psychological Association (APA) was slow to grant unqualified membership

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