
Domestic Violence in China and Pakistan

Since the 1970s there has been an emerging concern for violence against women. It has been shown that much of the violence perpetrated against women occurs in the home and/or at the hands of someone known to the female. While many Western and developed nations have been committed to the study of domestic violence, it

Gay and Bisexual Male Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is not restricted to heterosexual couples. Gay and bisexual males have also been the victims and perpetrators of domestic violence and abuse. This research paper will examine some of the issues concerning gay and bisexual male domestic violence, with particular attention devoted to: defining what constitutes domestic violence; a brief historical perspective; some

Domestic Violence Deaths

The reviewing of cases of domestic-violence related deaths commenced in a handful of U.S. states beginning in the early 1990s. As of 2005, roughly thirty-five states conduct what have become known as fatality reviews. The term fatality review refers to the identification and analysis of cases of adult homicide and suicide where one or more

Domestic Violence against Men

Each year thousands of innocent men are victims of violence in their own homes. Domestic violence is an established fact for these men, whether their partner is a man or a woman. These men suffer the same type of assaults as women victims, in roughly the same or greater proportion, and yet they are far

Domestic Violence and Education

Domestic violence is an epidemic that knows no boundaries and does not discriminate based upon religion, race, or even gender. Throughout the years scholars and practitioners have learned more about the epidemic and have become aware of some risk factors that may increase an individual’s chance of being a domestic violence victim. Recognizing the risk

Domestic Homicide in New York City

Domestic homicide in New York City (NYC) often increases and decreases with the overall rate of homicide and murder of the general population of the city; however, there are differences in the rate and types of domestic homicide in large urban areas such as NYC. Homicide in general in NYC, as in the rest of

Dissociation in Domestic Violence

The battering cycle begins with a dissociative condition in the batterer. The spouse abuse process is a ‘‘dance’’ in which the cyclical batterer switches into different ego states, and his partner follows him in the dance by developing corresponding ego states of her own. The two most prominent states of the batterer are anger and

Domestic Violence Depression

Depression is highly correlated with domestic violence. Physical, emotional, and sexual abuse experienced or observed can traumatize mental wellbeing; for this reason, it is not surprising that high rates of depression or depressive symptoms are documented in the victim, perpetrator, and witness of abuse. When treating depression, therefore, it is necessary to provide an integrated

Domestic Violence within the Jewish Community

Domestic violence occurs at the same rate in the Jewish community in the United States and Israel (the two largest Jewish communities in the world) as it does in non-Jewish communities in the United States. Approximately 20–25 percent of married Jewish women and 3–5 percent of married Jewish men suffer from battering or abuse by

Domestic Violence and Mental Retardation

Until the 1990s there was little professional or scholarly attention paid to the problem of intimate partner abuse among people with disabilities. Since that time, attention to the problem of the abuse of individuals with disabilities has increased rapidly. Although much has been written on the topic of the abuse of people with disabilities in

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