
Economics of Advertising

The economics of advertising are crucially important in understanding the history of modern mass media as well as their continued development. Sometimes called “indirect” funding (compared to the “direct” funding provided by consumers to such media as books and recorded music), advertising as an economic institution involves several different industries and collectives. Advertising’s influence as

Economics and Anthropology

From the inception of the discipline of anthropology, ethnographic monographs have dealt with the economies of the people under discussion as a matter of course. The evolutionists were fundamentally interested in levels of technology and environmental “adaptations,” and functionalists interpreted all social systems in terms of the satisfaction of basic human needs. Subsequently, anthropologists influenced

Organizational Economics and Physician Practices – iResearchNet

It is a commonplace to observe that the healthcare delivery system in the US is in crisis: costs are high and rising rapidly, the quality of care is inadequate along important dimensions, and the delivery system is rife with inefficiencies and waste. What is less commonly acknowledged is that many of the prominent strategies for

Economics of Dentistry – Health Economics – iResearchNet

Dentistry is the field of medicine that is concerned about diseases of the teeth and other tissues and bone structures in the oral cavity. It is different to a degree from other medical services in its product attributes, market characteristics, and the level of government involvement. Although dental disease is not completely predictable, it is

Religion and Economics

The modern study of religion and economics begins with Adam Smith’s An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776). Smith applied his economic analysis to several aspects of religion that researchers since developed with quantitative research. Smith’s fundamental contribution to the study of religion was that religious beliefs and activities

Economics of HIV/AIDS Transmission, Treatment, and Prevention – iResearchNet

At the end of 2011, according to Joint United Nations Program on Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) (UNAIDS), an estimated 34 million people were living with HIV worldwide. The number of people dying of AIDS-related causes fell to 1.7 million in 2011, down from a peak of 2.2 million in the mid- 2000s.

Need for Health and Health Care – Health Economics – iResearchNet

Introduction Any society must come to a decision concerning the allocation of health resources, of which access to medical services, or health care, is the clearest focal point. For many theorists and ordinary citizens health care services are a ‘special’ type of good that should not be distributed on the market-based principle of ability to

Media Economics

Media economics is the application and study of economic theories and concepts to the media industries. Media economics encompasses all forms of media, including traditional media such as print, broadcasting, music, and film, and new media forms such as the Internet. Media economics scholarship is broad and diverse and includes such topics as policy and

Economics of Nutrition – Health Economics – iResearchNet

 /  Economics of Nutrition Introduction The close relationship between economics and nutrition runs in two directions. First, nutrition influences economic conditions. Economic historian Robert Fogel has argued that improved nutrition was a decisive factor for improved health and successful economic development in Europe and the United States during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries (Fogel, 2004).

Economics of Smoking – Health Economics – iResearchNet

What Is The Economics Of Smoking And Why Should One Care? Economists divide markets into demand and supply. Demand reflects individual preferences, relative prices, income, and other factors. Supply differs according to market structure; prices depend on whether the market is competitive or not and the extent of government intervention in the market. On the

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