
Traffic Engineer Career

Traffic engineers study factors that influence traffic conditions on roads and streets, including street lighting, visibility, and location of signs and signals, entrances and exits, and the presence of sites such as factories or shopping malls. They use this information to design and implement plans and electronic systems that improve the flow of traffic. History

Software Engineer Career

Software engineers are responsible for customizing existing software programs to meet the needs and desires of a particular business or industry. First, they spend considerable time researching, defining, and analyzing the problem at hand. Then, they develop software programs to resolve the problem on the computer. There are about 800,000 computer software engineers employed in

Robotics Engineer and Technician Career

Robotics engineers design, develop, build, and program robots and robotic devices, including peripheral equipment and computer software used to control robots. Robotics technicians assist robotics engineers in a wide variety of tasks relating to the design, development, production, testing, operation, repair, and maintenance of robots and robotic devices. Robots are devices that perform tasks ordinarily

Packaging Engineer Career

Packaging engineers design, develop, and specify contain­ers for all types of goods, such as food, clothing, medicine, housewares, toys, electronics, appliances, and comput­ers. In creating these containers, some of the packaging engineer’s activities include product and cost analysis, management of packaging personnel, development and operation of packaging filling lines, and negotiations with customers or sales

Petroleum Engineer Career

Petroleum engineers apply the principles of geology, phys­ics, and the engineering sciences to the recovery, devel­opment, and processing of petroleum. As soon as an exploration team has located an area that could contain oil or gas, petroleum engineers begin their work, which includes determining the best location for drilling new wells, as well as the

Nuclear Engineer Career

Nuclear engineers are concerned with accessing, using, and controlling the energy released when the nucleus of an atom is split. The process of splitting atoms, called fission, produces a nuclear reaction, which creates radia­tion in addition to nuclear energy. Nuclear energy and radiation has many uses. Some engineers design, develop, and operate nuclear power plants

Mechanical Engineer Career

Mechanical engineers plan and design tools, engines, machines, and other mechanical systems that pro­duce, transmit, or use power. They may work in design, instrumentation, testing, robotics, transportation, or bioengineering, among other areas. The broadest of all engineering disciplines, mechanical engineering extends across many interdependent specialties. Mechanical engineers may work in production operations, mainte­nance, or technical

Metallurgical Engineer Career

Metallurgical engineers develop new types of metal alloys and adapt existing materials to new uses. They manipulate the atomic and molecular structure of materials in con­trolled manufacturing environments, selecting materials with desirable mechanical, electrical, magnetic, chemical, and heat-transfer properties that meet specific performance requirements. Metallurgical engineers are sometimes also referred to as metallurgists. Metallurgical engineers

Mining Engineer Career

Mining engineers deal with the exploration, location, and planning for removal of minerals and mineral depos­its from the earth. These include metals (iron, copper), nonmetallic minerals (limestone, gypsum), and coal. Mining engineers conduct preliminary surveys of min­eral deposits and examine them to ascertain whether they can be extracted efficiently and economically, using either underground or

Optical Engineer Career

Optical engineers apply the concepts of optics to research, design, and develop applications in a broad range of areas. Optics, which involves the properties of light and how it interacts with matter, is a branch of physics and engineering. Optical engineers study the way light is pro­duced, transmitted, detected, and measured to determine ways it

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