
Ethnicity and Health ⋆ Health Psychology ⋆ Lifestyle

Racial and ethnic differences in health care outcomes have become a recent target of scientific exploration. The term “race” has historically been used to distinguish major groups of people based their ancestry and physical characteristics. Today, race is most often used to distinguish a population based on biological factors such as genetics and common descent.

Ethnicity And Exposure To Communication

We live in an increasingly diverse world, not only in terms of ethnic heritage, but also in the forms of communication available. With so many information resources to choose from, how do we make sure that communication campaigns reach target audiences? Ethnicity is often implicated in the formation of knowledge gaps, in which certain portions

Ethnicity And Exposure To Communication

We live in an increasingly diverse world, not only in terms of ethnic heritage, but also in the forms of communication available. With so many information resources to choose from, how do we make sure that communication campaigns reach target audiences? Ethnicity is often implicated in the formation of knowledge gaps, in which certain portions

Ethnicity in Sport – Sports Psychology – Lifestyle

Ethnicity  refers  to  shared  cultural  traditions  and history of a group or population. The collection of people who share an ethnicity is often called an ethnic group. An ethnic group shares a common culture that is reflected in language or dialect, religion, customs,  clothing,  food,  and  music,  literature,  or art. Ethnic groups are often associated

Ethnicity in Sport

Ethnicity in sport has proven fundamental. It has long determined who has played, what participation and performance has meant, treatment by fans, media representations, and presentation of self. Outline Sport and Ethnic Identity Sport and Ethnic Relations References Ethnicity is closely related to race. In fact, the two concepts are often confused with one another

Race/Ethnicity and Friendship

Race and ethnicity are important factors in friendship formation. People tend to form friendships with others who live near them and who occupy similar social positions, belong to the same organizations, and are like themselves in terms of attitudes, values, and behaviors. Race and ethnicity are often cues of these similarities; therefore, race and ethnicity


The ancient Greek word ethnos, the root of ‘‘ethnicity,’’ referred to people living and acting together in a manner that we might apply to a ‘‘people’’ or a ‘‘nation’’: a collectivity with a ‘‘way of life’’ – some manners and mores, practices and purposes – in common, whose members share something in terms of ‘‘culture.’’

Ethnicity in Sport

Ethnicity  refers  to  shared  cultural  traditions  and history of a group or population. The collection of people who share an ethnicity is often called an ethnic group. An ethnic group shares a common culture that is reflected in language or dialect, religion, customs,  clothing,  food,  and  music,  literature,  or art. Ethnic groups are often associated

Ethnicity and Health Care Utilization

This article delves into the intricate relationship between ethnicity and health care utilization within the realm of health psychology. Beginning with an overview of the subject, the importance of studying ethnicity in health psychology is emphasized. The discussion is structured around three main sections, each exploring distinct factors that contribute to ethnic disparities in health


Ethnicity refers to a social group category defined by the shared historical, national, social, political, and cultural heritage of a people. Ethnicity includes a reference to shared ancestry, language, customs, traditions, and similar physical characteristics among a group of people. In addition, ethnicity tends to be informed by the social group’s particular geographic area. For

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