
Expectancy Value Model

Human beings have a natural tendency to react with some degree of positive or negative affect to any object or concept of psychological significance (Fishbein & Ajzen 1975; Eagly & Chaiken 1993). We like or dislike certain people, support or oppose various policies, regard some activities as pleasant and others as unpleasant, have favorable views

Expectancy Violation

People have expectations about how others should and will act in a given situation. Some expectations are based on personal knowledge about an individual, relationship, or situation. Other expectations are based on rules of social and cultural appropriateness. When a communicator’s behavior deviates from these expectations, an expectancy violation has occurred. Expectancy violations theory (EVT)

Expectancy Theory

Among the most influential theories of work motivation to appear during the second half of the 20th century in Western psychology and organizational behavior was, in fact, a body of theories that were all variants of an expected-value formulation. In a nutshell, these theories held in common the premise that the motivational force a person

Expectancy Effect

Expectancy Effect Definition An expectancy effect occurs when an incorrect belief held by one person, the perceiver, about another person, the target, leads the perceiver to act in such a manner as to elicit the expected behavior from the target. For example, if Mary is told that a new coworker, John, was unfriendly, she may

Average Life Expectancy

Life expectancy is the average number of years remaining to an individual of a specified age if the mortality conditions implied by a particular period (cross-sectional) or cohort (longitudinal) life table applied; the former projects the years remaining to all people of a given age, and the latter projects years remaining to all people born

Expectancy and Conditioning in Placebo Effects

This article delves into the interplay of expectancy and conditioning in the phenomenon of placebo effects within the realm of health psychology. The introduction provides a foundational understanding of the placebo effect’s definition and significance, setting the stage for an exploration of cognitive expectations and their impact on subjective experiences of symptoms. The first body

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