

An experiment is a scientific study designed to uncover information about cause and effect through examining the influence of changes in some variable or condition on a measured outcome. In a true experiment, changes in one or more independent variables are tested and the resulting effects on one or more dependent variables are assessed. For

Robbers Cave Experiment

Robbers Cave Experiment Definition The Robbers Cave experiment demonstrated that an attempt to simply bring hostile groups together is not enough to reduce intergroup prejudice. Rather, this experiment confirmed that groups must cooperate and have common goals to truly build peace. Thus, although contact is vital to reducing tensions between groups, interdependence is essential for

Bobo Doll Experiment

Bobo Doll Experiment Definition Albert Bandura conducted the Bobo doll experiment in the 1960s to investigate whether children could learn new behaviors through observation. The descriptive name of these studies comes from an inflatable child’s toy, a “Bobo doll,” that had a weighted bottom which allowed it to be repeatedly knocked over and yet bob

Conformity Experiment

President John F. Kennedy and several of his key advisers met in March 1961 to discuss a Central Intelligence Agency plan for the invasion of Cuba. The consensus of the group was to proceed with the invasion. At least one adviser, Arthur Schleshinger, had serious doubts about the wisdom of the plan, but he did

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