
Experimental Design

Experimental design provides the logical architecture for scientific research examining causal relationships. Most people intuitively recognize causal relationships. It is not uncommon to hear, for instance, that increased time studying caused an improved test grade, that a “sweet tooth” enabled a friend’s weight gain, or that traffic congestion instigated a “road rage” incident. The tendency

Experimental Designs

The validity of inferences stemming from empirical research in industrial and organizational psychology and allied disciplines is a function of a number of factors, including research design. Research design has to do with the plan, structure, or blueprint for a study. The literature indicates that among the components of such a plan are (a) the

Single-Case Experimental Design

Single-case experimental design, a versatile research methodology within psychology, holds particular significance in the field of school psychology. This article provides an overview of single-case experimental design, covering its definition, historical development, and key concepts. It delves into various types of single-case designs, including AB, ABA, and Multiple Baseline designs, illustrating their applications within school

Experimental Group

To understand the function of an experimental group, one must first know what an experiment is, since that is the context in which experimental groups are found. An experiment is one of the techniques available to researchers in their study of human development. This research method attempts to determine the effect of one (or more)

Experimental Method

Experimental method is a method in which a variable (independent variable that is hypothesized as a cause; IV) is manipulated by an experimenter and the corresponding change in another variable (dependent variable that is hypothesized as an effect; DV) is observed. To determine whether the change in the DV is caused by the IV, at

Experimental Realism

Experimental Realism Definition Experimental realism is the extent to which situations created in social psychology experiments are real and impactful to participants. Experimental Realism Background The concept of experimental realism was developed in response to criticism that most social psychology experiments take place in artificial laboratory settings and thus are invalid for examining how people

Experimental Condition

Experimental Condition Definition There are many research methods available to the psychological scientist. Some allow researchers to describe phenomena (surveys and observational studies), and another allows researchers to explain phenomena (an experiment). To explain a phenomenon, one must be able to determine cause and effect. The only research method that can do that is an

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