
Primate Extinction

Several causative factors contribute to the drastic reduction of primate populations in the world. The major contributors are the destruction of habitat due to deforestation, the illegal pet trade, and the bush-meat trade: all due to the expansion of humans into primate habitat. The overpopulation of the Earth by Homo sapiens is the dominant force


Extinction is a word commonly associated with undesirable, catastrophic loss of entire populations or species. However, extinction is as much a part of the cycle of life on Earth as is evolution. Indeed, extinction and evolution together form the cycle responsible for the ever-increasing complexity of life on Earth. From the earliest evidence in the


Extinction is a reductive procedure used to decrease the occurrence of a given behavior. Specifically, extinction  involves  withholding  reinforcement  for a  behavior  that  previously  received  reinforcement. For example, consider the case of a teacher who falls into the habit of laughing at students’ jokes. The teacher is reinforcing “joking” behavior by providing positive teacher attention

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