
Lone Parent Families

The growth of lone parenthood is a trend common to many advanced industrial countries. In 1990 Britain had one of the highest rates of lone parenthood in Europe (with 19 percent of families with children being lone parent families) along with Sweden (19 percent), Norway (19 percent), and Denmark (18 percent). The European countries with

Immigrant Families

Overall, the sociology of immigrant families represents a significant lacuna in the research on international migration. Although migratory flows have been interpreted as complex negotiations involving a diversity of actors including the individual, the family, social and kin networks, the market, and the state, other topics have polarized the attention of the social sciences. The

Lesbian and Gay Families

In the narrowest sense, the term ”lesbian and gay family” refers to lesbian and gay individuals or same sex couples and their children. The term is sometimes used to refer to same sex partnerships or cohabiting relationships. In the broadest sense, the term can denote social networks that include lesbian or gay individuals and/or couples

Families of Children with Disabilities

Families of children with disabilities experience challenges that other families do not face. They may experience stigma as a result of having a child with a disability and may perform health care and advocacy work for their children beyond that performed by other families. The extent of these additional concerns varies tremendously across families, depending

Minority Families in America

Introduction This research paper provides an overview of underserved populations. It will begin by explaining the dynamics of power and control in domestic violence and how it ties into common barriers that both underserved victims and victims in general face. However, the effects of the use of power and control intensify the suffering for underserved

Multiracial Families

As the numbers of both transracial adoptions and interracial relationships have increased, the notion of family has expanded in recent decades beyond the traditional monoracial nuclear family. Changes in both of these factors have influenced family compositions and resulted in a larger number of immediate families (i.e., parents and their children) comprising more than one

Single-Parent Families

This article on single-parent families delves into the dynamics and ramifications of single-parent households within the context of school psychology. It offers a comprehensive exploration of the prevalence and reasons behind single-parent families, the impact on child development, and their influence on academic outcomes. Furthermore, the article presents evidence-based interventions and support systems designed to

Impact of HIV/AIDS on Families and Caregivers

This article explores the intricate psychological impact of HIV/AIDS on families and caregivers within the framework of health psychology. The introduction provides a contextual foundation by elucidating the global prevalence and significance of HIV/AIDS, leading to an exploration of its repercussions on familial and caregiver dynamics. The subsequent sections delineate the emotional toll on families

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